Friday, October 22, 2010

Defund NPR

The federal government has no business being in the entertainment industry. It is ridiculous for tax payers to be providing radio for well healed liberals.

As has been made obvious by the firing of Juan Williams, NPR is simply a mouth piece for a particular political persuasion. Tax dollars should never be used to advance one political agenda over another. Kenneth Tomlinson, former chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), was once accused of politicizing public broadcasting to which he responded, “Accusing me of politicizing public broadcasting is like charging someone with introducing lipstick to Las Vegas!”

According to NPR, only 2% of their funding comes from the federal government. Great, then they won’t miss the money. The CPB, on the other hand, gets about $400 million. That’s nearly half a billion dollars for those who are bad at math. That’s some real savings there ladies and gentleman. We can defund the CPB and kill two birds with one stone.

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) will submitted legislation to stop taxpayer subsidies of public radio and television. He wants to defund the CPB. Call and write your congressman to let them know you agree. Can you imagine if we could make this the beginning of a movement to defund not only Obamacare but the hundreds, or even thousands, of federal programs that never should have seen the light of day?

That’s what this blog is about. This needs to be the only thing that the new congress is concerned with. For the next two years they should be rolling back the damage Obama has done and defunding the damage done by decades of other presidents and congresses.

Sadly, as an excellent posting in the American Thinker points out, it probably won’t happen. The tea party may be bringing in some fresh blood but most of the Republicans in Washington are a bunch of old dogs that need to be taught some new tricks. Either they learn or we’ll have to put them down at the ballet box two years from now.

Odds are, when the election is over the Republicans will only control the House. Cool. The house holds the purse strings and that is by design, a design we need to make work. You only have one man representing you in the House. If you don’t have a contact set up for him in your e-mail then stop reading and do it now. Got it? Then send him an e-mail (the first of hundreds you need to send over the next two years) and tell him to defund CPB. There is no excuse for them ever receiving another dime no matter what their politics. This is a no-brainer.

Next, start yourself a scorecard for your guy. Put it in a spreadsheet, on a piece of paper or whatever it takes and then, two years, from now check his score. If he scores badly then put him down at the primary and elect the next best looking dog.

This is a great test case for us and them. These professional politicians will only do what’s right if we stay on top of them. If we are unwilling to do what is required then we can’t expect them to.
So, roll your sleeves up and get ready for two years of heavy lifting.

More reading:
WSJ: The Real Case for Defunding NPR - If the government is in the market then no one else will be.
Free the Taxpayers: Defund State-Sponsored Media - "The government imprimatur gives NPR and PBS a competitive edge, favoritism with lawmakers and the phony appearance of being above the fray."